Top 7 Java developer Interview Questions and Answers

Top 7 Java developer Interview Questions and Answers

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 17, 2024 02:09 PM IST | #Java

What started just as a programming language for television programming, later became the language of the internet. Java programming is one of the most essential skills a computer engineer must have to make a career in the age of digital transformation. The future of Java is estimated to have outgrown itself because of its implementation in various places. You can learn everything with top Java courses and certifications. In this article we will delve into seven top java interview questions for freshers along with their answers.

Top 7 Java developer Interview Questions and Answers
Top 7 Java developer Interview Questions and Answers

Java as a language is estimated to grow further thanks to its enterprise-grade capabilities. As per job platforms such as Glassdoor and, the demand has only surged ahead, despite R and Python becoming recent hot favourites in the developer community. Furthermore, with initiatives like the Digital India scheme, it will be interesting to see how the Information Technology sector (currently at $150 billion) moves ahead. This is also one of the primary reasons for the demand for java developers/ programmers. But you will need to ace that interview. So arm yourself with top online courses and certifications on java programming, go through these top 7 java interview questions for freshers and then you are of to a great start!

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Java aspirants all over the world opt for online courses & certifications from top providers as Java is the most used programming language for developing web applications and platforms. According to the Java platform, there are more than 3 million mobile devices that actively run Java. In the age of IoT - Internet of Things recent years, it has been proved to be more friendly in terms of the user interface, popularity, maturity and feasibility in accessing. Don't forget the Java is a favourite among many professionals for web development as well. Now let's see how these java interview questions for freshers can help you find the reasons for you to pursue Java.

Top Reasons That Help You Consider Investing in Java Developer Courses

  • One of the most implemented programming languages, java is flexible yet complex and can help create applications and web portals. The recruiters will check your portfolio. So prepare for those java experience interview questions.
  • It would be beneficial to learn a coding language for Java. It will help to create perspective and skills as a programmer.
  • Java is an object-oriented language, which would only make some logic after achieving a level of mastery. This helps create thinking in both spaces logically and abstractly.
  • It has been in the industry of programming languages for more than 22 years and it still hasn’t lost its charm. The years that have been put into the programme by the people have created many possibilities and have helped answer all the mysteries related to Java.
  • There are loads of resources already made available for mastering the programming language. This helps in drawing conclusions with better expertise and supervision.
  • It has been on top of the top-paying job profiles - a software and computer engineer could choose from.
  • Java has a lot of full-time practitioners all around the world, it’s a skill that has the scope to provide well compensation for the years to come.

Also read: Top Java bootcamp courses to pursue right now!

Applications of Java

  • Mobile applications
  • Desktop applications
  • Website and web page related applications
  • Enterprise applications
  • Scientific applications
  • Gaming applications
  • Big data technologies
  • Business applications and much more

Apart from the aforementioned applications, Java can also be used for achieving multiple objectives. Your only limitation when it comes to programming with Java is your own imagination. In these java experience interview questions, they will test your limitations and your skills.

Also read: Full-stack JavaScript vs. PHP, which is the better option for web development?

Skills Required to become a Java Developer

Certain skills are expected from a Java Developer that will be tested in these java experience interview questions. Depending on the role and seniority level of the job, one could handle a single code and one could be responsible for handling a total team that will focus on the core development of the team.

There are some prerequisites that a Java Developer should possess to increase his chances of getting hired at a reputed tech company, i.e. working as a team and building skills such as leadership and organization. So make sure to have the following thorough as these are pertinent even if it is java interview questions for freshers.

  • It is essential to have patience and perseverance to overcome the long hours required for coding and debugging, it is a process that requires continuous efforts.
  • Be open to adapting and overcoming the current limitations, you need to be always updated with the latest trends in technology and keep learning.
  • Increase of expertise. It is essential to have a good command over a variety of designs, languages and methodologies. For example SQL, ORM, RabbitMQ, Microservices, Agile, and Scrum.
  • A developer should be comfortable using multiple frameworks, that boost productivity and help in creating a better work portfolio.
  • Ability to acquire accurate requirements for the processes and work closely to understand the underlying problem and improve the scope of development.
  • A developer has to write long codes and it is bound to have some mistakes in them. A good developer should have an eye for detail and rectify errors in a testing model environment.
  • Keep brushing your skills and inculcate the habit of learning programming on your own. It requires an essential creative thinking mindset to get out of difficult situations.

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Top Java Experience Interview Questions

We have prepared a potential list of beginner / senior java developer interview questions for both freshers as well as professionals that are most likely to be asked in an interview. So, let’s get started.

1. Which is the most opted and secure way of storing sensitive data?

Char and String array both are used as a method of storing sensitive data; it depends on the application. String constant pool for re-usability in a string. This ensures the safety of memory for a long duration. Since the String is immutable there is no valid method to override the existing status of the string; as for Char, it can be changed via creating an override with the help of a clear password. So, this is one of the top java interview questions for freshers you need to prioritise.

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2. How can you detect an exception thrown by another thread?

If you are preparing for java interview questions for freshers, you most certainly will face this question. The correct approach to this situation is by running a proper runtime exception function. This eliminates the need to pass the exception from one thread to another. It just requires a proper identification of the thread, without the need for an additional background thread.

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3. What languages do you know and how can you decide which is more useful?

This is another top java experience interview questions to test your foundational and technical skills in programming. This answer is relative to each student or applicant. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It all boils down to how you as a developer would present your defects and skills to the recruiter. The main essential aspect that needs to be kept in mind is the mindset and efficiency in communication. The best way to counter this question is by communicating better and creating a bond with the recruiter. You can crack these java interview questions for freshers by taking top Java developer certification courses.

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4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

One of the top java interview questions for freshers, you can expect this for any job, be it in the public or private sector. So, it is important to consider it while preparing for java interview questions and answers for freshers. It is also selective and depends on the applicant. It is not wrong to have dreams but to impress the recruiter you must create a paradigm in your dream that will align with the company’s interest in the future as well. With top Java Developer courses and certifications you will have much clarity on where you want to go in the next five years.

Also Read: Full Stack Java Developer by Simplilearn

5. How much experience do you have in coding?

This question applies in the category of java interview questions for freshers, even though it might look it is targeted for working professionals. What you need to consider is your coding experience in college or independent projects you developed for your portfolio. All of them counts! The term of experience does not matter as long as you are skilled in your role as a developer. The experience would get you to places that can’t be reached easily, but skills can be a bridge and help more than experience. So, you need to also include this question when you are preparing for java experience interview questions .

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6. Have you had any important role in creating any software?

If you are feeling anxious about your portfolio, then is one of the best java interview questions for freshers you need to pay attention to. The psychology behind this question is to test the leadership abilities and team-building qualities that would help boost your portfolio. These qualities would genuinely help in creating an impact and will keep you ahead in the competition. Take initiatives in college or company projects and learn from those experiences. So, this is one of the top java interview questions and answers for freshers.

Also read: Java Web Developer by Udacity

7. What are the wrapper classes in java as a programmer?

The wrapper classes are used to convert the java primitives into a reference type. Here, the data types are wrapped into the type object of that class. This is another top priority java interview questions for freshers. The problem is that this question has a simple response but with much on the technical side, it is left unanswered by the students most of the time. Stick to the basics and keep them solid. Basics would help create better confidence for recruitment drives. You can learn to effectively respond to one of these java technical interview questions for freshers by enrolling in online diploma courses ass well as certification courses.

Also read: Advanced Data Structures in Java by University of California, San Diego via Coursera

Final Thoughts

These are some of the top java technical interview questions for freshers that you should consider to land a successful job at renowned companies. As Java is quite a dynamic language, it has a lot of aspects to its overall syntax as well as applicability, which is pretty vast to cover in a single article. We have tried to help our readers out by sourcing the most popular and frequently asked java experience interview questions when it comes to appearing for interviews. It is always advisable to pick and choose the best online degree courses and java developer certification courses to gain a 360-degree overview of how you can approach the language’s dynamic nature and the various possibilities it holds.

There are multiple beginner to advanced java developer courses you can take to crack these java developer interview questions. These are available on platforms such as Coursera, edX, Udacity. which cover everything right from java interview questions for freshers to senior java developer interview questions. You can even make an online course comparison to choose and enrol in the best course that meets your interest and needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are some top recruiters I can look for after mastering these interview questions on core java for freshers?

TCS, HCL, Wipro, HBC Groups, Springer nature, eTeam Info services, C2L Biz, Concourse Solution, Worklogix, L&T, JPMorgan, Deutsch, Encore theme, VAct Technologies, GAMSYS, ANSYS, SOLIDWORKS are top companies you can pursue after learning these java interview questions and answers for freshers.

2. What is the average salary I can expect after acing these java basic interview questions for freshers?

A fresher may earn an average median salary of Rs. 2,96,948. With 1-4 years of experience is Rs. 4,53,003. It is Rs. 8, 99,084 with 5-9 years of expertise.  With these java basic interview questions for freshers and certification courses, you can expect to demand higher than average median salaries.

3. How to identify companies that align with my search interests?

These interview questions on core java for freshers are formulated to help you find your niche. So these  these java interview questions and answers for freshers will help you identify potential companies as many companies build their frameworks with help of core Java.

4. Why is java not completely object-oriented?

It is not completely object-oriented because of its primitive eight data types boolean, byte, char, int, float, double, long, short. This is an important point that will be covered in these java interview questions for freshers. 

5. What is the future scope of Java?

Java will continue to generate jobs, creating more solutions to existing problems. If you wish to have a career in java, then mastering java interview questions for freshers will help you crack potential questions like these.

6. What are the prerequisites required before learning these java interview questions for freshers?

Foundational knowledge of computer language will aid you in learning Java. Then you can learn these java interview questions for freshers. You will be  Java is quite easy to learn in the basic stage and with progress, it can reach stages that would require immense focus and creative thinking to create innovative solution parameters.

7. What is the ideal preparation scenario for java experience interview questions?

Java programming, its history, its functions. That should get you prepared for these senior java developer interview questions. Some great tutorials are available on sites such as Tutorials point, Javatpoint,w3School, etc. 

8. Where can I learn Java, while preparing with these java interview questions for freshers?

You can take B.Tech / BCA / B.Sc. Computer Science. Along with them or after them, take online java courses and certifications. A degree with some great certification courses will get you ready for these java interview questions for freshers.

9. What other programming languages should I learn when I'm preparing for these java interview questions for freshers?

C++, C, SQL, Python, and Scala are some top picks that you need to prioritise when you are preparing with these java interview questions for freshers.  

10. How will these java interview questions for freshers help experienced professionals?

While the tag focuses on freshers, we can also look at these as java experience interview questions. It helps you dust off your existing skills, gain a perspective and develop confidence in a changing IT landscape. 


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